Music Thoughts and Writings


(Please note that this page is in progress and is far from finished!)


NOTE: These articles apply mostly to rock and jazz and some other music's, though I'm not sure how effective they can be in classical music that is way too defined by the score, and has far too many limitations, generally speaking, for a player. This is not exactly the case in rock and jazz at all as well as experimental music all around the world.


A few articles and other writing on various elements of music. These, mostly came from various discussions and were going to be a part of a book I hope to be putting together on IMPROVISATION ... although the discussion and the ability to put it together is a bit on the difficult side, as so much of it is based on what I consider "ideas" that the instructor/author might have, and (I think) that this is not exactly paying attention to how the student feels and is responding, which is attuned to the student's touch and ability than it is to the idea that practice makes the music right ... which is fine for classical music, but not fine for a lot of rock music or jazz, for example, where the talents tend to be way more varied and not mandated by some outdated, and ridiculous music rules and standards.


If all we can do is make use of those rules and standards, and that includes composition, the chances a student can learn something new from an improvisation diminish and are limited to various "music" details, rules and standards.


The thought is that a lot of the creative efforts and learning in the middle of the 20th Century came from "experiments" that were totally different and settled into various new styles of music and some of it, was not exactly well defined or received, because it was so different. Fast forward to the 21st Century, and it all has become a lot of commercial controls, and the various websites, are aligned, for the most part, with the numbers and favorite "fans", who tend to think they have a right to tell music where to stick it. They have the right to purchase it or not, but not much else, but even in many countries with some religious controls, erasing lot of the arts, because they usually tend to showcase a more liberal side than the norm, compared to the accepted/defined standards.


Today, film is at the forefront of a lot of experimentation, although in some areas, jazz has really taken a leap, with one exception ... the same instruments and the same combination of players, thus, you have something that sounds "familiar" ... so it can attract fans to purchase it. But it becomes less of a new thing altogether, than just a song, or the specific jazz piece.


Essentially, this is not a good thing. The oddest things are the ones that further the study and developments of music and the arts, but it is very difficult to get that point across to a website, that relies on "fans" to make its numbers and justify its being there. However, none of this, has ever stopped the creativity of various folks that went their own way to create something very different ... and far apart from the rest of the stuff ... and we can even use the likes of Igor Stravinsky, when his music first came up ... most didn't like it, but, somehow it stood up and all of a sudden all the orchestras wanted to play it and show to the audiences that it was neat music ... and this is the main problem today ... hoping that "fans" won't kill the effort and allow it to come forward enough to be able to be seen, and then, later, hopefully appreciated.


With that said, here are some of the moments from a lot of postings and they are about a lot of things in regards to music.


On jazz in general

On Improvisation Work

On Anxiety in General

On Instruction and Teaching




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Pages Copyright © 2009-2024/2025 Pedro Sena -- Last modified: 01/16/2025